Anatomy and Physiology Study Guide for Speech and Hearing

Culbertson, Christensen and Tanner
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William R. Culbertson, Stephanie C. Christensen, MA, CCC-SLP,

and Dennis C. Tanner

This anatomy and physiology workbook, now in its second edition, is a unique study guide for introductory courses and textbooks in speech and hearing anatomy and physiology. Whether taught face to face or online, anatomy and physiology courses are dense in content and new material, and a practical book is much needed for undergraduate training in speech pathology. Recognizing this, the authors, all experienced practitioners as well as instructors, have produced such a text, ensuring also that it does not suffer from being unnecessarily complex and academic.

The Workbook is organized into seven units. The first unit contains a comprehensive synopsis of anatomy and physiology, including content such as locator terms, planes of reference and anatomical position, enabling students to learn the vocabulary needed to study anatomy and physiology. The second unit takes a brief look at the basics of cells and tissues to form a foundation for study of larger structures. The remainder of the Workbook organizes speech and hearing anatomy into the functional categories of respiration, phonation, articulation, as well as the nervous and auditory systems.

The organization of this study-guide workbook complements the content of most speech and hearing anatomy textbooks currently on the market, as well as online courses. Each unit provides an extremely well written, practical summary of the particular speech and hearing system (unit), followed by learning objectives, specific questions students can answer in outline format, and finally a Self-Test.

  • Unique study guide for introductory courses.
  • Designed as a primary text or to work with extant textbooks and online courses.
  • Features summaries of learning units, learning objectives, questions and Self-Tests.
  • Practical questions and organization of this workbook will guide students through their learning of anatomy and physiology.

For the second edition, the authors have added an Active Learning Guide for enhanced student comprehension.

The Active Learning Guide contains information to help students respond to items in the Workbook. This section includes suggested responses to blank spaces sketch boxes in the Study Outline units.

These new features help students assimilate and master the basics of anatomy and physiology of speech and hearing. The use of multiple sources and repeated exposure reinforces learning and will lead students to the ultimate goal: practical application of the material.


  • Jessica Greenway, Nottingham University Hospitals, UK, ENT News (2008):
    "...Clear and concise and well-paced throughout its structured units... Should provide an excellent degree of detail to be used as a valuable academic and clinical resource for students and newly qualified practitioners in a variety of health care professions. [Refers to First Edition]"

  • Andrew B. John, International Journal of Audiology, 2013 (06/20/2013):
    "...Authors Culbertson, Christensen, and Tanner introduce the Guide as "intend[ed] to augment a one-semester (or two quarters) undergraduate course in anatomy and physiology of human communication". Students at this level will appreciate the clear and colloquial tone with which concepts are presented... The Guide's organization of topic areas into bulleted lists and study suggestions allows a student to reduce what can be an overwhelming amount of new information into more easily digestible pieces...In most respects, the Study Guide serves its intended purpose as a supplementary text well. The book is written at an appropriately technical level for an audience of beginning learners."

  • Raguwinder Sahota, MBChB MRCS (Eng), DoHNS (Eng), ENT & Audiology News (September 2014):
    "Overall this is an excellent and useful book. It is both concise and has a clear and easy to understand format. ...This book is a great educational resource that is easy to read and organized in small enough sections to stop you from losing concentration. The material is up to date and has been improved upon the previous version. ...It is a good book to lay down the foundation of the communication systems in an organised and well structured manner that twill help anyone who is new to this field."

Details: 416 pages, Illustrated (B/W), Softcover, 8.5 x 11"
ISBN13: 978-1-59756-496-0
Release Date: 26/10/2012
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