Evaluating and Conducting Research in Audiology

Manchaiah, Beukes, and Roeser
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Vinaya Manchaiah, Eldré W. Beukes, Ross J. Roeser

Details: 400 pages, B&W, Softcover, 7" x 10"

ISBN13:  978-1-63550-190-2

Publication Date: 26/02/2021

Evaluating and Conducting Research in Audiology is the first research methods textbook that is specific to the field of audiology and designed to serve as an academic textbook for audiology graduate students. This text can also be accessible for audiology practitioners who are interested in clinical and applied research. The comprehensive coverage includes materials for multiple courses within audiology degree programs, including research methods, analysis of professional literature, evidence-based practice, and capstone research projects.

Classroom tested, and written by authors who have extensive backgrounds in publishing and editing, this text provides knowledge that is required in evaluating, conducting, and disseminating research. The book is separated into three sections: (a) research methods; (b) evidence-based practice; and (c) conducting and disseminating research. Together, these sections provide a detailed coverage of the research methods that are relevant to conducting research, particularly in the field of Audiology.

Key Features

  • Learning outcomes at the beginning of each chapter
  • End of chapter reviews including key points and study questions
  • Audiology-specific examples, research methods, and study designs
  • “Golden Nugget” boxes throughout the book containing valuable information related to the critical concepts
  • In-depth discussion of qualitative research methods, survey research methods, and systematic reviews to motivate students and early career researchers to consider these methodologies in their research
  • Access to a PluralPlus companion website with PowerPoint lecture slides for instructors and study questions and related readings for students

From the Forewords:

"...What a pleasure to support these internationally acclaimed authors (each of whom is a researcher, clinician, and educator) in sharing their wealth of knowledge about how to close the gap between clinical research and clinical practice. ...If audiology is to thrive and grow into the future as a successful member of the health care professions, its clinical practices must develop a more research-based proof of efficacy. We need the kind of systematic, quantitative approach to pressing clinical issues so effectively detailed in this important volume."
—Susan Jerger, PhD
Ashbel Smith Professor Emerita School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences University of Texas at Dallas
—James Jerger, PhD
Distinguished Scholar-in-Residence School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences University of Texas at Dallas

"Evaluating and Conducting Research in Audiology is authored by Vinjaya Manchaiah, Eldré Beukes, and Ross J. Roeser, who are all clinicians, educators, and researchers. This text is an attempt to address the lack of evidence within our discipline, encourage critical evaluation of published studies, and develop good research practice. The authors are an established team, having collaborated on many research projects.
The chapters guide the reader through all the steps of the research process: critical synthesis of existing literature, identifying gaps-in knowledge that are clinically relevant, formulating a carefully crafted research question, identifying both the ingredients and the recipe to follow in order to answer the question, followed by data collection, analysis, and interpretation. ...There are ample opportunities for students and hearing health professionals to benefit from this textbook. The chapters on systematic reviews and evidence-based practice are directly relevant to the approach taken by various organizations (e.g., The Campbell Collaboration, Cochrane, NICE, Johanna Briggs Institute) that promote evidence-based practice. If you want to critically evaluate research, there are chapters for you. If you want to conduct research that uses quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods or surveys, there are also chapters for you. Health care professionals, new and experienced, are well placed to propose research questions based on an urgent unmet need, collaborate on a research study, apply for a short research “taster” session, work as a research audiologist, or undertake research training with the aim of becoming an independent researcher. A research-active workforce will enhance the reputation of the profession, as well as improve the lives of people with hearing loss."
—Kevin J. Munro, PhD
Ewing Professor of Audiology, Director of the Manchester Centre for Audiology and Deafness, Deputy Director of the NIHR Manchester Biomedical Research Centre
The University of Manchester, UK


"The book, Evaluating and Conducting Research in Audiology, by Manchaiah, Beukes, and Roesner provides a refreshing and timeless overview of research in audiology. It delivers a review for a clinical audiologist in the methods used to conduct research, how one should effectively read and synthesize research, as well as methods for applying the research to daily clinical practice. The authors hold true to clinical practices and application of research to answer every-day clinical questions. This is a book that will be recommended for all of our AuD students for applying research to practice throughout their career. This text provides a comprehensive overview of research methods and methods of examination for didactic courses as well as applications into clinic. The book also provides insight for researchers into clinical practice.  There is something for the seasoned researcher and the newly engaged researcher. It provides insight into clinical practice for those who have not practiced or a reminder of daily practice for those who are not currently engaged in clinical practice. Additionally, for the researcher, this text can provide research generating ideas and unique methods for answering audiology related questions. This book truly has something for both the research and clinician interested in research."
—Lindsey E. Jorgensen, PhD
Associate Professor, University of South Dakota
Research Audiologist, Sioux Falls VA Medical Center