Handbook of Central Auditory Processing Disorder, Volume I

Auditory Neuroscience and Diagnosis
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Frank E. Musiek and Gail D. Chermak

Musiek and Chermak's two-volume, award-winning handbooks are back in newly revised editions. Extensively revised and expanded, Volume I provides comprehensive coverage of the auditory neuroscience and clinical science needed to accurately diagnose the range of developmental and acquired central auditory processing disorders in children, adults, and older adults. Volume II provides expanded coverage of rehabilitative and professional issues, detailing intervention strategies for children and adults.

Building on the excellence achieved with the best-selling 1st editions which earned the 2007 Speech, Language, and Hearing Book of the Year Award, the second editions include contributions from world-renowned authors detailing major advances in auditory neuroscience and cognitive science; diagnosis; best practice intervention strategies in clinical and school settings; as well as emerging and future directions in diagnosis and intervention.

Exciting new chapters for Volume I include:

  • Development of the Central Auditory Nervous System, by Jos J. Eggermont
  • Causation: Neuroanatomic Abnormalities, Neurological Disorders, and Neuromaturational Delays, by Gail D. Chermak and Frank E. Musiek
  • Central Auditory Processing As Seen From Dichotic Listening Studies, by Kenneth Hugdahl and Turid Helland
  • Auditory Processing (Disorder): An Intersection of Cognitive, Sensory, and Reward Circuits, by Karen Banai and Nina Kraus
  • Clinical and Research Issues in CAPD, by Jeffrey Weihing, Teri James Bellis, Gail D. Chermak, and Frank E. Musiek
  • Primer on Clinical Decision Analysis, by Jeffrey Weihing and Sam Atcherson
  • Case Studies, by Annette E. Hurley
  • The CANS and CAPD: What We Know and What We Need to Learn, by Dennis P. Phillips


  • Fiona Ford, Specialist SLT, The Orchards Primary Academy, Birmingham, Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists (2014):
    "These books provide a wealth of evidence-based information to address the fact that, despite awareness of an auditory-specific perceptual disorder (APD or CAPD) in children and adults for more than 60 years, a consistent approach to diagnosis and treatment has yet to be determined.

    Volume 1 provides information about the auditory neuroscience and clinical science needed for diagnosis; volume 2 details intervention strategies, rehabilitation and professional issues. 

    Both volumes emphasise the need for a multidisciplinary approach involving audiologists, SLTs, teachers, psychologists and physicians for assessment, differential diagnosis and intervention.

    Case studies provide an invaluable insight for clinicians into how those with APD may present and provide a framework for assessment and intervention. Sharing relevant case studies with parents and carers could be a helpful way of offering support and hope in an area where I have found limited awareness as a clinician and parent."

  • Herbert Jay Gould, PhD, Associate Professor, School Communication Sciences and Disorders, The University of Memphis (Spring 2015):
    "The addition of several new chapters to the Handbook of Auditory Processing Disorders Volume 1 is a significant enhancement and expansion of the first edition. The general layout and writing is consistently high quality throughout the book...

    The initial section on auditory neuroscience has excellent chapters by Jos Eggermont on central auditory system development and by Phillips on central auditory neuroscience. These two chapters provide a strong basic science underpinning to the remainder of the book... 

    Dr. Philips' chapter on psychoacoustic considerations is a relatively comprehensive review of the area. It serves as an excellent refresher for those who have not reviewed the area recently. This chapter is one of the more important chapters in the book, as the evaluation of auditory processing is the clinical adaptation of psychoacoustic test procedures. Anyone working in the area of auditory processing disorders needs to understand the underlying principles of evaluating the system and recognize those principles in the tests that they are utilizing.

    The chapter by Hugdahl and Helland on dichotic listening and attention provides a detailed review of the area and ties nicely with the more clinically based Chapter 11 on dichotic listening tests. Several of the points made in this chapter have significant impact on how we should view dichotic listening tests as well as the administration of the dichotic tests to obtain maximum information. From the reviewer’s perspective this chapter was one of the most thought provoking in the book and it has led to my re-evaluation of dichotic testing procedures and interpretation...

    The additional chapters and modification in this edition provide a step forward in content rather than just a simple rehash of old material on CAPD. The book should be viewed as an excellent supplemental text for other areas of audiology as many of the chapters provide discussions that pertain to a wide range of audiologic concerns."

Details: 768 pages, Illustrated (B/W), Hardcover, 7 x 10"
ISBN13: 978-1-59756-561-5
Release Date: 06/11/2013