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Laryngology: A Case-Based Approach

Allen, Reza Nouraei, Sandhu

Laryngology: Clinical Reference Guide

Ross, Panossian, Hawkshaw, Sataloff


Robert Thayer Sataloff

Non-Laryngeal Cancer and Voice

Abdul-Latif Hamdan, R.T. Sataloff, & M.J. Hawkshaw

Obesity and Voice

Hamdan, Sataloff, and Hawkshaw
$383.00 $320.00

Parathyroid Surgery:Fundamental and Advanced Concepts

David Terris, William S. Duke, & Janice L. Pasieka

Pediatric Aerodigestive Disorders

Haver, Brigger, Hardy, and Hartnick

Pediatric Voice: A Modern, Collaborative Approach

Kelchner, Brehm, and Weinrich

Psychology of Voice Disorders - Psychology of Voice Disorders

D.C.Rosen, J.B.Sataloff, and R.T.Sataloff

Reflux Laryngitis and Related Disorders

Sataloff, Katz, Hawkshaw, and Sataloff

Techniques of Botulinum Toxin Injections in the Head and Neck

Michael S. Benninger and P Daniel Knott

The Female Voice

Jean Abitbol

The Larynx Vol 1 & 2

Fried, Ferlito, Rinaldo, and Smith
$12,740.00 $1,200.00

The Larynx Volume 1

Fried, Ferlito, Rinaldo, and Smith