Listening and Spoken Language Therapy for Children With Hearing Loss: A Practical Auditory-Based Guide - First Edition

Sylvia Rotfleisch, Maura Martindale
SKU: P893
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Sylvia Rotfleisch, Maura Martindale

Details: 310 pages, Full Color, Softcover, 7" x 10"

ISBN13: 978-1-63550-387-6

Release Date: 30/12/2021

Listening and Spoken Language Therapy for Children With Hearing Loss: A Practical Auditory-Based Guide is a well-organized and practical textbook based on a proven spoken language, speech, and listening model for teaching children with hearing loss. Supported by decades of research and experience, the stage-based model is presented with clear steps for intervention. Written in easy-to-understand language, this textbook is accessible to university students who are new to the field of hearing loss, as well as to new and experienced professionals. It is a highly applicable tool for providing auditory-based therapy which supports professionals to empower parents and caregivers.

The stages emphasized in this textbook are developmental in nature, starting with the prelinguistic level and ending with advanced communication. Unlike the traditional age approach, this unique system can address any child regardless of age intervention. Operating based on the understanding that language is acquired through meaningful social interaction, the “stages not ages” system can be used for late starters, English learners, and children with additional disabilities.

Key Features

  • A color-coding system for the model and a consistent presentation of content and tables provide clarity and a streamlined experience
  • A comprehensive case study for each stage puts the approach into context
  • Easy-to-use resources, in the form of tables and handouts for parents, give professionals ready-made tools for working with families
  • Explanations of proven strategies, including speech acoustics applications, Rainbow audiogram, e=mc2, Activities of Daily Living (ADL) theory, cookie dough theory, three-act play, and the dangling carrot
  • A deep conversation about the role of culture provides a uniting thread throughout the text
  • A PluralPlus companion website with PowerPoint lecture slides and exams for instructors and videos, handouts, learning activities, and discussion questions for students and professionals


"The text gives clear insights on discerning a child’s current listening and spoken language abilities according to benchmarks and offers a research-based toolset to facilitate ongoing progress. While focus is kept on empowering parents to implement intervention objectives for their child to acquire hierarchical skills, the context stays true to the family’s culture and daily lifestyle.   ...Impressive work!  Very relevant—there isn’t a textbook with this “angle” available in the field. It’s a great resource!​​"
—Nicole Jacobson, MS, CCC-SLP, LSLS Cert. AVEd, Director of Sound Beginnings, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Disorders and Deaf Education, Utah State University

"I like how the topics are organized. They do not go off in tangents. The authors don’t just present information, they teach the material with many examples and supports. ...The book is comprehensive from background theoretical knowledge to application. Parents are often neglected when teaching therapy, and the authors have a whole chapter. This is essential as the parents must become the therapist for maximum effectiveness. ...The book is chock full of information presented in novel ways. The authors can take a difficult topic and teach it through examples and supporting graphics. The book is a bridge between multidisciplines (audiology, speech science, and education). Additionally, the book seamlessly incorporates cultural considerations. This is unique to most textbooks on this topic."
—Susan Dillmuth-Miller, AuD, CCC-A, Associate Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders, East Stroudsburg University

"The biggest strength is that the text very clearly guides readers through the different levels of speech, language and listening development. The stages are clearly outlined and the authors give readers the information they need to match up assessment data, stages of development, and goals and objectives.  It provides a seamless continuum of assessment/goals/therapy techniques that makes it very user-friendly and practical. The case studies and discussion questions are also big strengths."
—Michelle A. Veyvoda, PhD, CCC-SLP, Assistant Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders Department, Iona College

"The authors do a great job of explaining the emphasis/use of LSL strategies throughout stages. I personally like the idea that they promote ‘stages not ages’ as I feel this is so critical for parents to understand. I also like how they emphasize using ‘Activities of Daily Living’ in which to immerse language strategies. I feel that there is also a theme of collaboration between professionals and family members that is woven throughout. ...This book would be a useful and wonderful tool for professionals implementing therapy/instruction for children who are deaf, as well as working with their respective families. It contains many helpful resources (websites, graphs, charts, visuals) that would help in planning. Additionally, it includes explanations of appropriate assessments and strategies. I like how it describes all stages. Many of the texts I have read or used focus on early intervention and this text goes beyond."
—Paula Gross, MA, CED, ABD, Instructor/Undergraduate Deaf Education Program Director, Communication Disorders and Deaf Education Department, Fontbonne University

"This text is essential and needs to be on the shelves. The length and scope that the authors have attempted to cover demonstrate the breadth of effort and considerations that those working with children who are DHH using spoken language must understand to provide appropriate therapies. As a professional in the field working with graduate scholars, I was most excited when I read the first chapter as it covers complex information hitherto presented in hard-to-understand outdated texts. Keep and expand the info that builds understanding of – access, interruptions in access – auditory development – discrim, memory, aud feedback etc, - speech acoustics – what the errors mean – how to address them. The case studies are relevant and provide for good practice and discussion."
—Bridget Scott-Weich, EdD, LSLS Cert. AVEd, Director of Graduate Programs and Administration, Mount Saint Mary’s University/John Tracy Center

"Multiple examples are given and then referenced throughout the text to help clarify and reference terminology.  I really liked the charts (e.g., Interpretation of the 6 Ling Test) which summarized information in a way I haven’t seen before.  I wholeheartedly agree with the “General Tips for the Sessions” as these are ideal for new clinicians and a great reminder for seasoned clinicians all listed out for review.  In addition to this, I found many strategies discussed could be helpful for all clinicians working with children who have speech and language challenges.  I also appreciate how the authors provided examples of how to use games and activities at the various stages."
—Cindy Sendor, MA, CCC-SLP, Assistant Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders, California Baptist University

"The content is accurate, relevant and up-to-date. I like that there are websites provided throughout. ...The text provides preservice teachers with a lot of useable information that they can take into the classroom with them and use with D/HH students. It doesn’t only provide the philosophies and the theories. Preservice teachers will have an understanding of why and how to help D/HH achieve their listening and spoken language goals. They will be able to share this information with their colleagues and families. The book fills a need in the field for deaf educators providing them with a textbook related to listening and spoken language therapy specifically for children with a hearing loss."
—Raschelle Neild, PhD, Associate Professor of Special Education and Deaf Education, Ball State University

"This book’s greatest strength is the stages/not ages concept. It embraces the concept of a growth mindset for the practitioner as well as for the learners.  By encouraging all to look at the child’s present level of function and plan forward, the constructivist model is embraced.  Beginning with the end in mind allows all to focus on progress. ...This book provides highly valuable and actionable information for practitioners across multiple disciplines.  Evidence-based practices are highlighted and presented with the rationale for their application.  Color-coded chapters on therapy techniques deliver strategies and methodologies that can be deployed by preservice educators and seasoned professionals across multiple disciplines.  Meaningful information can also be accessed by families who seek to understand the teaching strategies best utilized for their children."
—Marguerite Vasconcellos, Ed.D., LSLS Cert. AVT, Adjunct Instructor, Department of Special Education, Language and Literacy, The College of New Jersey

"This book is a much needed, practical guide to organizing and implementing listening and spoken language sessions. The pages are packed with goals, activities, and case studies that will guide you to support every child on your caseload. And finally, a book to tame the sometimes-confusing concepts of speech acoustics! ...This book is a wonderful contribution to our field."
—Jennifer B Boyd MA, CCC-SLP, LSLS, Cert. AVT

"Listening and Spoken Language Therapy for Children with Hearing Loss: A Practical Auditory-Based Guide" is a wonderful resource for students and therapists pursuing a thorough knowledge of listening and spoken language therapy. This text comprises a review of speech acoustics, hearing loss, and application of speech and hearing science to encourage the best listening outcomes for clients. The focus of fostering development of stages rather than specific age requirements is refreshing and facilitates application across multiple disabilities and growth levels. Family centered intervention with a therapist coaching model is explained with multiple examples and scenarios to facilitate how therapy sessions may be carried out. The graphics, tables, and lists are user friendly and great resources to discuss and share with families."  
—Joanna L. Stith, PhD, CCC-SLP, LSLS Cert. AVT, Owner of Listening for Life

"This book is great “go-to” resource for the beginning or seasoned AV Therapist or SLP working with children with a hearing loss.  All of the resources you need are now combined into one working document.  The case studies and examples within the book are great.  They allow the clinician to get a better idea of what a therapy session would entail and common concerns to look for in regards to access to sounds.  It is a wonderful opportunity to put the theory that was covered into practice. The book is excellent and very comprehensive."
—Jennifer Wickesberg-Summers, AuD, CCC-A, LSLS Cert. AVT, Director of Audiology, Texas Hearing Institute

"The book's organization follows a sequence to the development of skills necessary for students. The strengths of this book are its usability and use of adult learning strategies to example complex concepts. The material is integrated and the coverage is complete."
—Sarah Law, M.Ed., Clincal Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Disorders and Deaf Education, Utah State University