Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology for Speech and Hearing Sciences

Seikel, Konstantopoulos, and Drumright
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J Anthony Seikel, Kostas Konstantopoulos, and David G. Drumright

Details: 385 pages, Color Illustrations (4 Colour), Hardcover, 8.5 x 11"

Included Media: Companion Website

ISBN13: 978-1-63550-071-4

Release Date: 26/10/2018


Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology for Speech and Hearing Sciences provides a thorough yet readable examination of the neuroanatomical underpinnings within communication sciences and disorders. The textbook is designed for undergraduate or graduate courses related to the neuroscience of speech and hearing. Each chapter begins with detailed learning outcomes and also sets the context for the content in understandable terms, providing the student with an understanding of the importance of knowing the material. Additionally, each chapter ends with study questions to reinforce the content and check comprehension.

After introduction to the field and to anatomical concepts, the text takes the student from discussion of neurons and other basic components to examination of basic reflexes and sensorimotor integration. The following chapters focus on the cerebral cortex and its function, particularly as related to neurophysiology of speech and hearing. The next section of the text discusses subcortical structures, the brainstem, cranial nerves, cerebellum and pathways. The text culminates in discussion of motor control for speech and swallowing.

Key Features:

  • More than 175 images and photographs presented in full-colour
  • More than 65 tables that provide succinct depth and detail to the content
  • 16 neurological fully-annotated case studies with SLP diagnostic information, as well as 6 cases from neurosurgeons that include MRI and/or video
  • 45 boxed notes give informative and fascinating support to the content, including focus on neuroscience as it relates to speech-language pathology and audiology
  • Coverage of the neurophysiology of swallowing
  • Detailed discussion of auditory pathway and signal analysis
  • Clearly written with abundant supporting citations
  • Key terms are highlighted throughout the text and included in a glossary
  • A PluralPlus companion website including Neuroquest animation software, online study materials, and PowerPoint lecture slides.

The Neuroquest study software includes visual and interactive lessons. Use of quizzes and testing helps the student review the content, solidifying the concepts from the text.


  • Ann Cralidis, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work and Communication Sciences and Disorders, Longwood University (2018):
    "One of the most appealing features of this book is that the information is presented in a logical, organized manner and it is easy to follow and read. Moreover, it is written at a level that a majority of undergraduate students can understand. The inclusion of defined terms is also very helpful. This neuroanatomy book is sorely needed in our field at the moment. Other textbooks that have attempted to thoroughly address this topic are poorly written and poorly organized, making the information difficult for students to process and learn. Other textbooks are simply out of date or reflect poor editing. For the past four years that I have taught our neuroanatomy course, I have not required students to purchase a textbook because of the reasons cited above. Instead, I have relied upon current research and information from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). I look forward to the publication of this book. I will be using it in class!"

  • Joni Mehrhoff, MS, CCC-SLP, Assistant Professor, Speech Language Hearing Sciences, Minnesota State University Moorhead (2018):
    "The organization is appropriate and overall themes accurate to what is typically viewed in neuro texts and courses devoted to Communication Disorders courses. ..the analogies are helpful, students love these and report they aid in their understanding. ...the organization from cortex down is a logical way to introduce the detail in the nervous system."

  • June Graham Bethea, PhD, CCC-SLP, Communication Sciences and Disorders, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (2018):
    "The book is well written and undergraduates will find it user and reader friendly. It provides sufficiently covered information on neuroanatomy for the undergraduate Speech-Language Pathology student. Each chapter contains a clear and consistent focus"