Rotational Vestibular Assessment

Christopher K. Zalewski
SKU: P597
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Details: 322 pages, Colour Illustrations (4 Colour), Softcover, 8.5 x 11" 1 lbs
Included Media: Companion Website
ISBN13: 978-1-59756-797-8
Release Date: 23/10/2017

Rotational Vestibular Assessment represents a primary clinical core for audiologists and expands the vestibular assessment battery through a comprehensive discussion of rotational vestibular testing. This text details the various tests that can be performed though rotational assessment, including the benefits and limitations of each. Test interpretation and clinical application of rotational outcome measures data is also discussed.

Rotational testing currently enjoys a unique presence in vestibular assessment as it offers an analysis of the vestibular system that is unparalleled in its ability to evaluate both peripheral and central aspects of vestibular disease, particularly when standard measures such as videonystagmography (VNG) are non-contributory. The future of rotational testing is promising as more affordable methods become available such as the use of booth-less rotational chairs and more affordable video ocular recording methods. In light of this, rotational testing is poised to become the new standard of vestibular assessment and this timely text is dedicated to its understanding.

The material is supplemented with a PluralPlus companion website that provides a selection of videos showing the various rotational tests, including the rotational stimuli and the VOR response generated during each test. Rotational Vestibular Assessment is invaluable for anyone performing vestibular testing, rehabilitation, or evaluation. This includes audiologists, otologists, neurotologists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, and students seeking these professions.


  • L. Maureen Valente, Program in Audiology and Communication Sciences, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, USA, International Journal of Audiology (August 2018):
    "It is a rare entity to find a textbook where 'the more you read, the more you wish to read'. Such is the case with this well-written book. Authored by one professional, the content builds and transitions nicely. One could wonder if such specialized content would be relevant to a broad audience; after reading the book in entirety, it is clear that rotation is one of the 'hallmarks' of vestibular evaluation and its valuable utility will only improve in the future. We welcome specialized textbooks based upon various hearing diagnostic and management areas. As vestibular sciences gain prominence, the same specialized need holds true. The vestibular and balance systems - and evaluation of these systems - are complex. Yet the author writes in such a thorough manner, while still maintaining rigor and complexity, that the content is as understandable as possible. This textbook is relevant for graduate students and professionals in the hearing and vestibular sciences, medical students and practitioners, individuals practicing in physical therapy and occupational therapy, and any others who hold interest in vestibular assessment. . . . This textbook is a 'must' for intermediate to advanced clinicians who evaluate and remediate dizziness and balance disorders. It is highly recommended to myriad professionals who exert teamwork to help evaluate patients across the lifespan and, of utmost importance, ameliorate their symptoms."

  • Prof Christopher Degg, Consultant Clinical Scientist, Medical Physics and Clinical Engineering, Nottingham University Hospitals, NHS Trust, Honorary Professor of Balance Science, De Montfort University, UK, ENT & Audiology News, Vol. 27, No. 4 (September/October 2018):
    "Although Rotational Vestibular Assessment is a textbook aimed primarily at audiologists, all specialists involved in vestibular work, including medics, physiotherapists, and scientists will find something of interest here. The writing style adopted, combined with the numerous illustrations, all help to make what can be complex concepts readily accessible. . . . Overall, this book provides an excellent and accessible overview of rotational testing, with content that will find broader appeal to those involved in vestibular science, clinical testing and vestibular rehabilitation."