Speech and Voice Science -4th Edition

Alison Behrman
SKU: P844
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Alison Behrman

Details: 517 pages, 2-Color, Softcover, 8.5" x 11"

ISBN13: 978-1-63550-322-7

Publication Date: 14/06/2021

Speech and Voice Science, Fourth Edition is the only textbook to provide comprehensive and detailed information on both voice source and vocal tract contributions to speech production. In addition, it is the only textbook to address dialectical and nonnative language differences in vowel and consonant production, bias in perception of speaker identity, and prosody (suprasegmental features) in detail. With the new edition, clinical application is integrated throughout the text.

Due to its highly readable writing style being user-friendly for all levels of students, instructors report using this book for a wide variety of courses, including undergraduate and graduate courses in acoustic phonetics, speech science, instrumentation, and voice disorders. Heavily revised and updated, this fourth edition offers multiple new resources for instructors and students to enhance classroom learning and active student participation. At the same time, this text provides flexibility to allow instructors to construct a classroom learning experience that best suits their course objectives.

Speech and Voice Science now has an accompanying workbook for students by Alison Behrman and Donald Finan! Speech and Voice Science Workbook - 4th Edition

New to the Fourth Edition

  • Sixteen new illustrations and nineteen revised illustrations, many now in color
  • New coverage of topics related to diversity, including:
    • Dialectical and nonnative language differences in vowel and consonant production and what makes all of us have an “accent” (Chapter 7—Vowels and Chapter 8—Consonants)
    • How suprasegmental features are shaped by dialect and accent (Chapter 9—Prosody)
    • Perception of speaker identity, including race/ethnicity, gender, and accent (Chapter 11– Speech Perception)
  • Increased focus on clinical application throughout each chapter, including three new sections
  • Updated Chapter 4 (Breathing) includes enhanced discussion of speech breathing and new accompanying illustrations.
  • Updated Chapter 10 (Theories of Speech Production) now includes the DIVA Model, motor learning theory, and clinical applications
  • Updated Chapter 11 (Speech Perception) now includes revised Motor Learning theory, Mirror Neurons, and clinical applications
  • Expanded guide for students on best practices for studying in Chapter 1(Introduction)

Key Features

  • A two-color interior to provide increased readability
  • Heavily illustrated, including color figures, to enhance information provided in the text
  • Forty-nine spectrogram figures provide increased clarity of key acoustic features of vowels and consonants
  • Fourteen clinical cases throughout the book to help students apply speech science principles to clinical practice
  • The text comes with access to a PluralPlus companion website with many supplementary student study aids and teaching materials. The site includes the following:
    • For students:
      • Study aids such as flashcards and review questions for each chapter
      • A speech science game for a lighthearted way to help study
      • The spectograms from chapters 7, 8 and 9 of the print book allowing students to zoom in and examine specific acoustic features.
    • For instructors:
      • Revised and updated slides for traditional classroom
      • Classroom learning activities, many focused on group work and discussion, to provide more effective learning experiences for both undergraduate and graduate students
      • Eleven laboratory assignments, using free, downloadable acoustic analysis software, to help students learn difficult concepts through experiential learning