Vestibular Testing Interpretation: Drill and Practice

Crowson, Garrison, Riska, Tucci, Kaylie
SKU: P751
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Matthew G. Crowson, Douglas B. Garrison, Kristal M. Riska, Debara L. Tucci, David Kaylie

Details: 145 pages, B&W, Spiral, 8.5" x 11"

ISBN13: 978-1-63550-105-6

Release Date: 14/08/2019

Vestibular Testing Interpretation offers an easy-to-read and comprehensive overview of vestibular testing. Written with a trainee or junior practitioner in mind, this text couples an evidenced-based review of the most commonly employed vestibular function tests with cases from real patient encounters.

The book is divided into two sections: Section I provides an introduction and approach to vestibular testing, while Section II provides 27 clinical case vignettes. In the case of a reader who is just starting to learn about vestibular testing, the authors recommend going through part one of this book to develop a foundation of the basics of various vestibular tests and their uses. After the reader has a grasp of which test is used and why, it is recommended that the reader proceed with reviews of the patient cases. The book is designed in two sections so the background provided in the first half of the book will help inform the reader to analyze the patient cases. For practitioners who are more experienced with vestibular testing, the authors recommend consulting the first part of the book as needed for touch-up on topics. The primary utility for experienced practitioners will be to work through the patient cases as ‘drill and practice.’ The cases need not be approached in sequential order – they were designed independent to one another, so no intentional order is presented.

Key Features

  • 27 cases derived from real patient encounters using the latest vestibular testing technologies found in modern clinical vestibular testing laboratories
  • Curated references and additional readings are highlighted throughout to enhance reader understanding of key topics
  • An overview of the approach to the vestibular patient from the perspective of testing
  • Intuitive figures and schematics to supplement the text


"The bulk of the book, 100 pages, is taken up with 27 case studies that are a clever novelty and very thought-provoking [...] We get the findings on videonystagmography, positional and caloric testing, head thrusting and spinning in that chair. Each is illustrated with a graph, of exactly the same format reproduced in every case study. The reader is then invited to write into the book one’s “own Impression”. The authors then offer their interpretation of the findings followed by a differential diagnosis [...] I found this a very useful insight into the significance of the test battery that resulted from my completion of a request form."
—Liam M. Flood, FRCS, FRCSI, in ENT & Audiology News (August 2019)

"The authors have synthesized a vast amount of information and research in a readable, specific way that clinicians can adapt to their knowledge base. In addition, they list other books and research articles that readers can consult for more detail, if desired. This approach keeps the book concise and usable clinically, as intended. The overview chapters synthesize the material well, particularly tables with common vestibular disorders, types of BPPV, and diagnostic criteria. While vestibular books abound, this overview of testing is unique and useful."
—Lori J. Newport, AuD, Biola University, in Doody's Reviews (October 2019)